742 NE 47th Place • Des Moines, IA 50313 • (515) 528-2604  
742 NE 47th Place • Des Moines, IA 50313 • (515) 528-2604  

Proper construction of an athletic field has many unique aspects that must be taken into consideration to ensure a premium product for the investment. A number of factors including adequate surface and subsurface drainage, proper turfgrass selection, and quality grow-in maintenance will ensure the long term success of your field. Use our expertise in athletic field construction to build your field from the ground up.

Renovating an existing field

Iowa Sports Turf can complete a wide variety of renovation projects to improve the quality of a playing surface. Basic renovations of a playing surface consist of sod removal, laser grading, and resodding to enhance the quality and playability. When considering a field renovation, the addition of a drainage system and installing or upgrading the irrigation system should also be taking into consideration to ensure the long term success of the playing surface following renovation. Our staff can assist in both designing and developing a superior athletic field.



Constructing a new field

The design of a new athletic field is an important part to guarantee any kind of success. Iowa Sports Turf provides consulting and is capable of working in conjunction with an architect in designing a new athletic field. Construction of a field is equally important as the design in that it can set up for failure if done improperly. Our company has the knowledge and equipment to properly install drainage systems, irrigation systems, and soils on all types of athletic fields.